News - Page 69
Plastic use is a big problem and one that we can all help to minimise by doing our bit. There is a lot of plastic usage in the horticultural industry but just about everything can be reused or recycled in numerous ways both in the garden and at home. It’s a great way to ensure plastic doesn't go to landfill and saves money at the same time.
Read more...Having your own herb garden is a great way to not only have an attractive space and help wildlife but also to provide you with herbs for your own cooking and wellbeing. Starting your own herb garden is really easy and can be adapted to suit any size area that you have, from windowsills to patios and larger gardens. Herbs are incredibly adaptive and rewarding plants to work with.
Read more...For an instant sensational appeal, few plants can beat Bougainvilleas. Their luminously vibrant flowers are like a window into a warmer place when our summer skies are grey. The vivid blooms are actually brightly coloured bracts surrounding clusters of tiny white flowers, and although they look exotic, you can grow Bougainvilleas in the UK – you just need to protect them from frost.
Read more...A cottage style garden is a desirable garden with its informal design and dense planting. Known for borders full of flowers from Roses to Salvias, packed full of colours, textures and fragrance. Originally cottage gardens were planted by families that had little land who just wanted to provide food for the family and herbs for medicines. Vegetables and fruit are often planted alongside ornamentals as well. Later, the cottage garden style was used by gentry and the original designs were packed full of flowers to create the dreamy gardens we know and love to this day. Here are some ideas to create your own cottage style garden.
Read more...Growing plants from seed can be great fun, but if you’ve never done it before it’s hard to know where to start. How do you know which seeds to plant when, and how to plant them? And what do all those strange terms on the back of seed packets mean? Here’s a quick guide to the language of seed growing, plus a few suggestions for seeds that you can plant now.
Read more...In April, it really looks like spring in the garden. Although there’s still a chance of late frosts, the days are definitely warmer and everything is starting to grow again. It’s time to grab your tools and get out there. Here’s our list of the most important jobs for you to do in your garden this April.
Read more...The Begonia keeps on surprising us, one of the reasons for this is that there are 1895 species! The Flowering Begonia is particularly known for its round shapes, candy colours, countless flowers and abundant blooming. Whilst Foliage Begonias might not have flowers, their beautifully patterned leaves totally make up for this. You can find them in various shades of green, burgundy and pink with a velvet touch, depending on the light it receives.
Read more...Easter is the perfect time to get creative with plants, baking and other colourful ideas. From table decorations to gift baskets and Easter bonnets, it’s a lovely time of year to celebrate with family and friends. So, whether you would like to spend some time in the garden and use plants for decoration or if you’d prefer to be in the warm cooking up a sweet treat, these 4 DIY decoration ideas should give you plenty of inspiration to enjoy Easter.
Read more...Creating a non-toxic garden is much easier than it sounds and its best to be safe for everyone involved including children, pets and wildlife. These tips will help you create a safe, thriving environment.
Read more...Rabbits might look cute and fluffy, but they’re not a welcome sight for gardeners. They’re a menace to seedlings and young leaves, and they’re not fussy about what they eat, munching happily on a wide variety of garden plants. Luckily, there are steps you can take to stop rabbits from eating your plants.