Our Environment & What We Do

At Everton Nurseries we are continually looking to lower our carbon footprint by reducing wastage - re-cycling as much as we can, up-cycling when we can & sourcing as ethically as we can. We also contribute to our local community through a variety of methods, including supporting local charities & events.
We grow outdoor plants on our 25 acre nursery, which are carbon fixing (the process of photosynthesis draws carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, so releasing oxygen. When these plants leave our nursery and grow larger they will absorb even more carbon dioxide). Most of what we grow is hardy so therefore we eliminate the need for heated greenhouses, keeping our carbon footprint low.
Our Environmental Impact
Our Nursery
- The percentage of peat used in the nursery growing compost has decreased with the inclusion of wood fibre
- To reduce the amount of weedkiller used on the nursery all pots are topped with a bark mulch which help to suppress weed germination
- Our nursery pots are all made from recycled materials
- Our Nursery vehicles 'floats' are all up-cycled & electrically run
We currently recycle
- All our mixed glass bottles & jars
- Paper & cardboard (bailed onsite & sent to specialised recycling facility)
- Soft & hard plastic (bailed onsite & sent to specialised recycling facility)
- Our used coffee grounds from Camellias Restaurant are recycled & reused as fuel pellets to roast the next batch of Eco Coffee
- Plant matter, by composting it & reusing it for the plants on our nursery
- Used cardboard boxes are offered to all customers
- All our used batteries are collected & recycled
- We offer a battery recycling service to all customers
Homegrown & local produce
We have our own 25 acre nursery onsite where we grow a variety of trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants & more to stock our Garden Centre. There is no vehicle movement involved & no 'plant miles' accrued! Around three quarters of the hardy plants sold in the garden centre are ‘home produced’ on our nursery.
Most of the ingredients in our dishes & delights in Camellias are locally sourced where possible. In fact most of the food in Camellias is 'homemade' by us.
The Coffee we sell in Camellias has zero waste, zero carbon & is sustainable (it also tastes delicious)! Follow this link for more information: https://www.evertonnurseries.co.uk/eco-coffee
- We grow & sell PLANTS! Outdoor plants & indoor plants
- We sell from the Hairy Pot Company - gardening without plastic! They use hairy compostable & totally natural pots instead of the plastic pots
- We sell local honey sourced from the New Forest
- The coffee on sale in Camellias is locally roasted & completely sustainable; see Camellia's page for information about Eco Coffee
- The cakes and 'sweet treats' are baked in house - no food miles
- We sell a selection of natural products
- Almost 100% of all the plastic pots we sell are either made with recycled materials or contain recycled plastics
- We sell a huge range of bird care products to help our feathered friends & enhance our environment
- We recently made the switch to LED lighting throughout
- We have fuel efficient underfloor heating in Camellias Coffee Shop/Restaurant
Our Local Community
- We help provide the venue once a year for the Everton festival
- We donate plants & vouchers where we can to charities & local events
- Our directors are involved with local village judging as well as local events such as last year's Lymington & Pennington flower festival