It's hard to know where to start when everything is bursting into life and flower all at once. Start with these jobs and you won't go far wrong. Don't forget to stop for a moment occasionally, though, just to enjoy.
General tasks:
Tackle bindweed the moment it pokes above ground. Dig it out by the roots, or paint each new shoot with glyphosate-based weedkiller.
Store seeds carefully after sowing and they'll last for next year. Seal inside boxes somewhere cool - the fridge is perfect.
Ornamental garden:
Sow annual grasses like quaking grass (Briza maxima) and squirrel-tail grass (Hordeum jubatum) for delicate foliage and dancing flowers.
Dead-head daffodils once they finish flowering so they can put their energy into building up reserves for next year.
Plant summer flowering bulbs like Anemone 'De Caen', wood hyacinth (Galtonia candicans) and star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum).
Kitchen garden:
Support peas using twiggy peasticks or pea netting tied to canes. You'll find all you need for the job in our garden centre.
Plant maincrop potatoes about 60cm apart and 30cm deep, putting them in with the 'eye' end (with the most knobbly buds) upwards.
Thin seedlings to the spacings given on seed packets, removing the weakest and leaving strong young plants to grow on.